Thursday, April 12, 2012

Book Source (1)

Title of the Book (in italics when typed, underlined when written)
 Ex: Twilight
Why Are They Starving Themselves? Understanding Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Author(s) or Editor
Ex: Stephanie Meyer
Elaine Landau
 Ex: Little, Brown and Company
Julian Messner, Simon & Schuster Inc.
Year of Publication 
Ex: 2003
City of Publication
Ex: New York
New York
Mode of Access (Print if you read the actual book, Electronic if you found it online, or through your kindle/nook/ereader):
Ex: Print
Eddition if indicated:

EX: After having known Edward for just a few short months, Bella admits that “it would cause [her] physical pain to be separated from him now" (Meyer 283).
Anorexia is a “baffling illness”, the “beautiful, seemingly healthy young women begin to starve themselves-some to the point of death” (Landau 3).
Most anorexics are often “concerned with appearance and place a great deal of emphasis on making themselves appear as physically attractive as possible” (Landau 17).
Although most anorexic girls are seemingly “popular”, that does not meant that “these young women are especially likable” they often “put far more effort into winning and maintaining friendships than the average young person does” (Landau 25).
An anorexics “entire life is governed by the harsh application of a rigidly controlled set of rules” these rules regard “the intake and elimination of food from her body” (Landau 45).
Bulimics prefer to “delay eating any significant amounts of food until evening when they are alone and can gorge and purge themselves in privacy” the bulimics do not “binge every day” they only do it when they have “adequate privacy” (Landau 63).

Summary of Source (Three-Four Sentences of the Who, What, Where, Why, and How in your own words. NO OPINION):
The book is about a bunch of different girls who tell their stories of being Anorexic and Bulimic. It shows the hardships they face and it also shows the amount of difficultly they have to deal with their illness. The author provides an excellent insight with definition and also provides real-life stories that help create the image and add to the credibility and the reality of the situation.

Credibility of Source:
Author or Editor: Who is the author? What training have they had? If there is no author, examine the editor.
The author is Elaine Landau, she’s just an Author who’s looked into the life of Anorexics and Bulimics.

Attachment: Does the author or editor have anything to gain from writing this, or is it simply informative?
Landau wrote the book to inform people of the issue.

Bias: Do you detect a bias (a favoring of either side) in the author's writing?
I don’t really detect a biased opinion, she’s just sharing stories and defining the terms.

References: Does the author cite references in the writing? If so, do these add or take away from the credibility?
The author shares the stories of many different girls that help to add to the credibility of the situation.

Use of Source: How will you use this source in your project?
This source will help me in my project by allowing me to show the reality of the situation and how things really are.

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